Hello and welcome to my website!  My name is Maria Lamb and I am a Speedskater, three time Olympian, and multiple time U.S. Champion.

More importantly, I'm a fellow human, here on planet earth, inspired by the world around me to live, learn, and grow as far and deep as I can, and to connect with and protect the earth and all its inhabitants while always trying to keep searching, striving, hoping, breathing, loving, smiling, and pushing the limits - because we're all here for a reason, and we're all capable of so much more than we think. So let's all dream, breath, believe, go after what feel called to do, and live with joy! 

Outside of skating I'm an ardent mountain lover - live, climb, hike, run, and bike up, down, through, and in them all that I can. I love all creatures great and small - from dogs to frogs, mountain goats to falcons - and I'm always striving to live up to my dog, Nali's, and my cat, Leo's, endless love and admiration. I enjoy summer farmers markets, cooking and eating real food, Yoga and Pilates, reading and playing my violin, and sewing and knitting creations of all shapes and sizes. 

While here, you can find out all about me—my story, what inspires me, what I believe in, where I’ve been, and what I’m up to. If any of part of me resonates with you, please use the Contact page to say "Hi". I love to hear from fellow humans, you never know where connections may lead!